EDU Central Library

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About EDU Central Library

Since its very inception, East Delta University (EDU) held a firm belief that a university is as good as the library facilities it offers. A promise to impart quality education remains merely a promise if the university fails to offer world-class library service to its staff and students. It is this conviction and philosophy that led to the creation of a state-of-the-art library on the university’s permanent campus.


The EDU Library is one such place where tradition meets technology in a very unique manner. With the perfect combination of real and virtual books, the EDU Library offers its students a wide range of books to choose from. While the eresources allow its tech-friendly users to explore the infinite treasure of online journals, the traditional learner is equally stimulated by the enormous collection of books that the specially-crafted shelves hold in the library. From political science to literature to cosmology, one can find books of all variety in the EDU Library.


The sole purpose of offering such a wide collection of books is to enrich the lives of its students just like EDU continuously propagates: Advancing Knowledge, Enriching Lives. No doubt, the EDU Library is nothing less than a place of sacred learning and knowledge-sharing, a place of mysticism.


The EDU library is engaged in learning and discovery as essential participants in the educational community. We develop, organize, provide access to and preserve materials to meet the needs of present and future generations of students and scholars. We explore and implement innovative technologies and services to deliver information and scholarly resources conveniently to users. We create wholesome environments for study, teaching, and research outside the classroom. The students, faculty members, and staff of the university are invited to use the library’s online resources fully.


The mission of EDU library is to foster the search for knowledge and provide comprehensive resources and also is to support the curriculum of East Delta University through its online and print collections. The library promotes intellectual growth and enriches the life of the EDU community with knowledge by developing collections, facilitating access to information resources, teaching the effective use of information resources, and offering research assistance. EDU library is to provide our users with the instruction that not only addresses how to access and use information resources but also how to critically reflect on the information retrieved.

Services & Facilities

Library Personnel

Meet our dynamic team

Tahmina Afrad Sharmi

Senior Assistant Librarian

Romel Raihan

Public relations Officer

Hamidul Anowar

Library Assistant

Aklasur Rahman

Library Assistant

Bangabandhu Liberation War Corner


On March 17, 2020, East Delta University Central Library established Bangabandhu Liberation War Corner to commemorate the birth centenary of the Father of the Nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and to highlight his life and activities.

Oxford Corner

EDU library has established a unique corner called ‘Oxford Corner.’ The University of Oxford has pledged to keep some rare books at East Delta University for academic purposes. East Delta University’s students (EDU) get the opportunity to read the world-famous Oxford book in the form of cover.