EDU Central Library

Library Rules

A) Etiquettes
i. Before entering the library put your name on the entry register.
ii. Keep your personal belongings (excluding money and other valuables) in the assigned pigeonhole.
iii. Otherwise, the university authority does not take responsibility for loss of or damage to the belongings.
iv. The library is a place for study. Therefore, students’ behavior should reflect this and they must respect others studying in the library.
v. As EDU library is a communal space for every member of EDU to study and work, so be considerate and respectful to others.
vi. Do not enter restricted areas of the EDU library without the permission of library personnel.
vii. Show your valid ID card to the library staff to identify yourself when asked.

B) Maintaining Library Environment
i. Maintain silence as it is the ambiance of a library.
ii. Before entering the library, mobile phones should be switched off or put in vibration mode. No phone conversation is allowed anywhere within the library premises.
iii. Students are encouraged to utilize the individual and group study facilities. If any group becomes disruptive through excessive noise or other troublesome behaviors, all of the group members will be held accountable, collectively and individually, for the group’s actions.
iv. Use the group study room and please keep your conversations to a low voice level, so as not to disturb other users.
v. Utilize your time at the library by proper usage of its facilities and avoid gossiping.

C) Appropriate Usage of Library Materials & Equipment
i. Writing or marking in a book or table is forbidden. Any sort of mutilation will cause replacement (applicable for books) Students are expected to keep the library area clean and its equipment in
good condition after use.
ii. It is the responsibility of a student to return the borrowed library materials on time and in the same condition as when borrowed.
iii. For overdue, lost, or damaged library materials, the student will be held accountable to pay the fines incurred.
iv. Do not reshelve or misplace any book. Seek help from the library staff if needed.

Library Loan Policies

For Students:
To borrow any library materials a student must carry a valid EDU ID card. An undergraduate or a graduate student of EDU is entitled to borrow 2 books for 7 working days.
After the completion of the borrowing period, a student can renew the book for 3 working days.

For Faculty members:
Faculty members are entitled to borrow 7 books for 21working days.

For Admin staff:
Members of the EDU Staff are entitled to borrow 3 books for 10 days.
N.B.: Reference books, journals, magazines, newspapers, dissertations, reports, and confined materials are not offered for a loan, but may be used within the EDU library.

Late Fine
If a borrower fails to return the borrowed book within the due return date then s/he will be charged with a fine of BDT 5/- per day until returning the book to the library.

If a borrowed item is lost,
a) The borrower has to send an email to the Librarian as early as possible, providing information about the lost item and mentioning the actual reason(s).
b) The borrower must replace the original copy of the same author(s), title, edition, and ISBN no. or pay the double price as compensation to the library. The price should be double the current price of the book and it is to be paid within a month from the date of notification.

Recall service states that if any borrowed library material is needed urgently, the EDU library has the right to ask the borrower to return it before the due date. Items on hold and recalled for others will not be renewed.