EDU Central Library

Library Orientation

The library orientation program assists the newly admitted students and faculty members to familiarize themselves with the library services and its online, printed, and other resources.

Reading facilities

Circulation Facilities

EDU library provides all kinds of services from the circulation desk. Library cards are prepared for all EDU students, faculty members, and staff. When an item is checked out from the library, it keeps book records against library cards. Patrons are responsible for knowing their due dates for returning the book(s). Library staffs are always ready to help the users in order to get effective access to the library collections and resources.

Current Awareness Service

EDU library disseminates information about the new acquisitions to its users under the Current Awareness Service (CAS). This service creates direct communication between the library and the users. It keeps users well-informed and up-to-date in fulfilling their current demands.

Research & Reference Service

EDU library provides research & reference services to its users so that they can easily retrieve reliable, accurate, and interesting information relevant to their needs. Reference materials including encyclopedias, dictionaries, almanacs, atlas, etc. are research tools that can help users with their papers or projects. These
reference sources are not circulated but rather kept as a reference collection to use within the library. As a result, reference materials are readily available and easily accessible to the users.
EDU Library provides the following tools to assist users in organizing a reference or bibliography and guide them through the research and writing process. Citation Style Guides: APA, Chicago, MLA, and Harvard.

Cyber Corner with Dedicated Internet Access

EDU library provides Wi-Fi internet service on its premises. Also, there is a cyber-corner where the users can avail of the dedicated internet access to explore the vast online resources of the EDU library.

Newspaper Service

EDU library receives & preserves 03 daily local and national newspapers both in Bengali and English. These can be used within the library premises.


EDU library has a vast collection of magazines and reports including Reader’s Digest, Times, The Economists, and many more.

Clearance Service

Library clearance means to certify that the user does not have any outstanding book(s) borrowed or unpaid fines and the user’s library membership has expired. Library clearance statement is given to students, faculty members, and other staff. To get a clearance certificate from the librarian users must return all the library materials borrowed previously.